
Told to come in despite severe allergic reaction

Yesterday I accidentally consumed something I'm severely but not deathly allergic to, and I texted my boss after reactions started happening. I texted her like five hours before my shift saying that I was having a bad reaction to something I ate accidentally and couldn't come in to work, only for her to reply with “no just come two hours later I need you I don't have anyone else.” Like what the actual fuck???? That's absolutely ridiculous to try to force someone to come in after saying that. I can't come into a food service place with intense stomach issues, hives, and all that. ​ Today I still feel like shit. So instead of telling her that I can't come in, I've decided to just not show up and let her figure it out. Everyone else no calls no shows. ​

Yesterday I accidentally consumed something I'm severely but not deathly allergic to, and I texted my boss after reactions started happening. I texted her like five hours before my shift saying that I was having a bad reaction to something I ate accidentally and couldn't come in to work, only for her to reply with “no just come two hours later I need you I don't have anyone else.” Like what the actual fuck???? That's absolutely ridiculous to try to force someone to come in after saying that. I can't come into a food service place with intense stomach issues, hives, and all that.

Today I still feel like shit. So instead of telling her that I can't come in, I've decided to just not show up and let her figure it out. Everyone else no calls no shows.

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