
5 minutes late on Thursday means you have to work 25 extra minutes on Friday

I work a 9-5 salaried office job and my work has recently implemented a new policy that is driving mostly everyone crazy. We live in a big city and our office is right off the highway which means getting there in rush hour is unpredictable. I am also not a morning person. So I am occasionally a few minutes late. I always made up the time, used to regularly forget to take my breaks anyway and stayed late many times when it was really needed. For the last 3 years it was never an issue. Now for the new policy. For a while they were trying “summer hours” where we came in at 8:30am instead of 9am every day and then left at 2:30pm on Fridays. They said that it was too hard to keep track of everyone's hours (all 12 of us) so they were changing it to 8:30am…

I work a 9-5 salaried office job and my work has recently implemented a new policy that is driving mostly everyone crazy.

We live in a big city and our office is right off the highway which means getting there in rush hour is unpredictable. I am also not a morning person. So I am occasionally a few minutes late. I always made up the time, used to regularly forget to take my breaks anyway and stayed late many times when it was really needed. For the last 3 years it was never an issue.

Now for the new policy.

For a while they were trying “summer hours” where we came in at 8:30am instead of 9am every day and then left at 2:30pm on Fridays. They said that it was too hard to keep track of everyone's hours (all 12 of us) so they were changing it to 8:30am start Thursday Friday, leave at 4pm Fridays. Except if you are even a minute later than 8:30am Thursday or Friday, you are no longer allowed to leave at 4pm, you have to wait until 4:30. You are not allowed to work through a break to make up for it.

Yesterday (Thursday) I arrived at 8:35am because it was the first snow fall of the year and traffic was crazier than I was expecting. I wasn't allowed to leave until 4:30pm today! Guess who is never staying late or forgetting to take a break ever again.

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