
Ok, what can we do this new year when Healthcare enrollment comes around to annoy HR and the insurance representative without getting fired?

It seems like every year they come and tell us how great they are for 'providing' health care options, but unfortunately we “went to the doctor too much” and now they have to raise our rates again. So when they say things like “exercise more so you go to the doctor less”, and “use the phone-a-doc”, what can we collectively say in response that will just annoy them? Let's get some ideas.

It seems like every year they come and tell us how great they are for 'providing' health care options, but unfortunately we “went to the doctor too much” and now they have to raise our rates again.

So when they say things like “exercise more so you go to the doctor less”, and “use the phone-a-doc”, what can we collectively say in response that will just annoy them? Let's get some ideas.

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