
Dad died two months ago and job is revoking my PTO on Thanksgiving weekend with my mom

My dad died suddenly in September from aggressive cancer. I was with him while he died. I’m 30 y/o and it was extremely traumatic. I have two full time jobs and was able to get FMLA for one, but the other (on the weekend) said I don’t have enough time accrued. Our original agreement to me taking this position was that I would have a weekend off every two months, and I did have the time approved three months ago. I also took time off unpaid about three weeks ago without issue. What changed? Three weeks ago I was scheduled to work alone with a dangerous patient. I refused, citing safety concerns, and they goaded me into it. I got to work and had a panic attack (you know, since I’m still reeling from watching my dad choke on his own blood) and I left. They didn’t write me up…

My dad died suddenly in September from aggressive cancer. I was with him while he died. I’m 30 y/o and it was extremely traumatic.

I have two full time jobs and was able to get FMLA for one, but the other (on the weekend) said I don’t have enough time accrued. Our original agreement to me taking this position was that I would have a weekend off every two months, and I did have the time approved three months ago. I also took time off unpaid about three weeks ago without issue.

What changed? Three weeks ago I was scheduled to work alone with a dangerous patient. I refused, citing safety concerns, and they goaded me into it. I got to work and had a panic attack (you know, since I’m still reeling from watching my dad choke on his own blood) and I left. They didn’t write me up but gave me a stern talking-to, and last weekend I got a nastygram that my time off was revoked because I don’t have enough PTO.

I sent emails to HR who of course did not give a shit and suggested I use the ADA to get accommodations—except I don’t have a fucking disability, I’m in acute grief. They also said my “disposition” during the meeting was “inappropriate.”

I told them that’s fine, I’ll return to per diem, which means the already overworked lab will now lose 20 patients a month, and we’re booked out into January. I work in a very niche field that’s hard to find staff for and I really hope this gets them where it hurts. This is all over me requesting ONE UNPAID WEEKEND OFF PER YEAR. I get 5 weeks of PTO. I wanted one more unpaid.

They scrambled the last time I told them I’d be returning to per diem, can’t wait to see them squirm. And I will be taking the weekend off with my mother. They can eat me.

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