
Finally got confirmation from the government that I’m permanently excused from work.

All I had to do, was develop a severe traumatic neurological disorder that got worse over 15 years of being exposed to chronic mistreatment, resulting in my now having full-on seizures any time somebody is rude to me. I blew through all my savings to provide my basic living expenses during the time elapsed between not being physically able to work and governmental acknowledgement of my condition. Had I not inherited money from my late father, I would have ended up unhoused, with a stress-based seizure disorder. I don't think I'm being dramatic by stating that this would have likely meant my death. We also won't talk about the fact that I could still be a functional member of society today if there had been easement measures in place. Remember that putting in your 40 hours is more important than anything, and they're happy to allow you to suffer to…

All I had to do, was develop a severe traumatic neurological disorder that got worse over 15 years of being exposed to chronic mistreatment, resulting in my now having full-on seizures any time somebody is rude to me.

I blew through all my savings to provide my basic living expenses during the time elapsed between not being physically able to work and governmental acknowledgement of my condition. Had I not inherited money from my late father, I would have ended up unhoused, with a stress-based seizure disorder. I don't think I'm being dramatic by stating that this would have likely meant my death.

We also won't talk about the fact that I could still be a functional member of society today if there had been easement measures in place.

Remember that putting in your 40 hours is more important than anything, and they're happy to allow you to suffer to prove it.

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