
Hospitality is literally driving me insane

I’m a student who has to work through her degree because of familial issues and coming from a working class background in general. Having to work alongside university has really taken a toll on my mental health to the point I’ve had to be tested for a psychosis because of how my stress if manifesting. I’m not coping well. I don’t know what to do. I worked 8 hours today, doing three different jobs (bar, floor and pass) since we were severely understaffed, all without a break. Im autistic too, so it’s like hell. I just don’t know what to do

I’m a student who has to work through her degree because of familial issues and coming from a working class background in general. Having to work alongside university has really taken a toll on my mental health to the point I’ve had to be tested for a psychosis because of how my stress if manifesting.

I’m not coping well. I don’t know what to do. I worked 8 hours today, doing three different jobs (bar, floor and pass) since we were severely understaffed, all without a break. Im autistic too, so it’s like hell.

I just don’t know what to do

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