
Employers in the USA don’t care about your mental health at all

I keep saying how people take time off in Europe and other countries for their mental health. Maybe they are grieving, or going through something tough, and their companies are totally okay with that. Like, take all the time you need. We're here for you when you return… But in the USA, completely different. Wow, you need 3 days for mental health? What are you a wimp? Why did you leave your last job? For mental health reasons? That means you're mentally unstable, can't hire someone like that. You have a disability? Depression, anxiety? Sorry, we don't hire people “like that”. Is it illegal? Sure. But who is going to win those cases? People with no money and no job, or the billion-dollar company whose CEO has 11 houses and a yacht?

I keep saying how people take time off in Europe and other countries for their mental health. Maybe they are grieving, or going through something tough, and their companies are totally okay with that. Like, take all the time you need. We're here for you when you return…

But in the USA, completely different. Wow, you need 3 days for mental health? What are you a wimp? Why did you leave your last job? For mental health reasons? That means you're mentally unstable, can't hire someone like that. You have a disability? Depression, anxiety? Sorry, we don't hire people “like that”. Is it illegal? Sure. But who is going to win those cases? People with no money and no job, or the billion-dollar company whose CEO has 11 houses and a yacht?

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