
I need an online minimum wage job, whatever there is

Hello, i live in argentina, we have 400% inflation (its actually probably more than 700%…) I earn 6 dollars a day, and i cant do shit with that. I need any type of minimum wage job in the United States that i can do online… Even if it is a dollar an hour, it would still be better than minimum wage here (76% of the country earns that) Anything would be amazing. Im 19yo and do okay with anything. Please I cant have american or european currency without being watched and taxed by my goverment, so if possible it would need to be paid secretly on paypal so thats an enormous problem too. The money is to keep myself and my roommate alive, we barely can afford a 2 room apartment in a dangerous part of my city, and we need to go out to verdulerĂ­as to beg for broken…

Hello, i live in argentina, we have 400% inflation (its actually probably more than 700%…)

I earn 6 dollars a day, and i cant do shit with that. I need any type of minimum wage job in the United States that i can do online…
Even if it is a dollar an hour, it would still be better than minimum wage here (76% of the country earns that)

Anything would be amazing. Im 19yo and do okay with anything. Please
I cant have american or european currency without being watched and taxed by my goverment, so if possible it would need to be paid secretly on paypal so thats an enormous problem too. The money is to keep myself and my roommate alive, we barely can afford a 2 room apartment in a dangerous part of my city, and we need to go out to verdulerĂ­as to beg for broken or half rotten fruit and vegetables to survive every weekend, thats just an example of my current living situation.
Please dm me with anything

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