
It’s time for everyone to take action, enough with the bullshit.

It’s time to organize. It’s time to set up mutual aid networks. We need a mutual list of demands that need to be met. We need to hit these elite motherfuckers where it hurts: their pockets. We need to do a general strike. Nobody shows up to work. Nobody pays taxes. Pull your money out of traditional banks. Nobody buys anything until our demands are met. If you’re scared that you’ll lose everything, take a look on skid row, take a look in Palestine, take a look at our indigenous communities, minority groups. Voting doesn’t work, take a look at Ohio, gerrymandering, the Supreme Court. This is why we’ll have mutual aid groups to support each other. This shit needs to stop and we need to take control of our goddamn lives. Stop “living day by day” because it’s going to get worse. You’re prolonging the inevitable. Fucking stand up…

It’s time to organize. It’s time to set up mutual aid networks. We need a mutual list of demands that need to be met. We need to hit these elite motherfuckers where it hurts: their pockets. We need to do a general strike. Nobody shows up to work. Nobody pays taxes. Pull your money out of traditional banks. Nobody buys anything until our demands are met.

If you’re scared that you’ll lose everything, take a look on skid row, take a look in Palestine, take a look at our indigenous communities, minority groups. Voting doesn’t work, take a look at Ohio, gerrymandering, the Supreme Court. This is why we’ll have mutual aid groups to support each other. This shit needs to stop and we need to take control of our goddamn lives.

Stop “living day by day” because it’s going to get worse. You’re prolonging the inevitable. Fucking stand up for people who are already at the end of their rope. If you don’t, everyone around you who has equal privilege/luck will be next.

I don’t give a shit about how “people are too individualistic, it’ll never work.” We need to show people that they are not alone. We need to make people realize that they are all getting fucked and will continue to get fucked if nothing is done. We need to let our neighborhoods come together to defend against the police/military when they try to seize our homes/arrest us.

Stop with the excuses. Get in contact with your local mutual aid groups and setup communication channels between every other mutual aid groups so we can get on the same page, and move forward with our plan.

Every day I see bullshit happening to people on this subreddit and in my personal life. It’s time to put an end to it all and fucking create a world worth living in for ALL OF US.

Dm me and we can work together to set up a list of helpful resources based on location with contact info to post so we can get this started.

It’s time to take action, people. This won’t happen overnight, but the fascist rich have been planning this for decades, but our cause will have a quicker impact. It’s easier to tear down what they built, and they know that. They’ll be forced to yield to our demands.

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