
“Terminated” is one hell of a euphemism.

Got fired on Friday after 6 years at my company. By way of parting HR asked me to sign a confidentiality/noncompete. They framed it as an “affirmation and reminder of your obligations under the agreement you signed when you accepted the job,” but then each paragraph had space for my initials and signature at the bottom. A sneaky way trying to get me to sign a new confidentiality/noncompete agreement on exit. I didn’t sign it. What are they gonna do, fire me?

Got fired on Friday after 6 years at my company.

By way of parting HR asked me to sign a confidentiality/noncompete.

They framed it as an “affirmation and reminder of your obligations under the agreement you signed when you accepted the job,” but then each paragraph had space for my initials and signature at the bottom.

A sneaky way trying to get me to sign a new confidentiality/noncompete agreement on exit.

I didn’t sign it. What are they gonna do, fire me?

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