
It’s depressing that I used to get excited for Thanksgiving break, winter break….and now I get excited for one measly remote day

9 months into the 9-5 grind and I’m still not fully adjusted to it. I’m still so angry and bitter and frustrated that this is my goddamn life now. Thanksgiving break used to be 5 days long. Winter break was a month. Now I have to fight tooth and nail for the chance to have ONE REMOTE DAY on the day after Thanksgiving, even though our operations are shut down so there’s literally no reason for me to go in person. I’ve been looking forward to having Thanksgiving day off and Black Friday remote for the entire month. One measly day off for Thanksgiving, then straight back to work. One measly day off for Christmas, Christmas Eve not even included, then straight back to work. And before any of you come at me with “dOn’t Be sO lAzY” and “sUcK iT uP bUtTeRcUP””, I DON’T WANT TO JUST SIT AROUND…

9 months into the 9-5 grind and I’m still not fully adjusted to it. I’m still so angry and bitter and frustrated that this is my goddamn life now. Thanksgiving break used to be 5 days long. Winter break was a month. Now I have to fight tooth and nail for the chance to have ONE REMOTE DAY on the day after Thanksgiving, even though our operations are shut down so there’s literally no reason for me to go in person. I’ve been looking forward to having Thanksgiving day off and Black Friday remote for the entire month.

One measly day off for Thanksgiving, then straight back to work. One measly day off for Christmas, Christmas Eve not even included, then straight back to work. And before any of you come at me with “dOn’t Be sO lAzY” and “sUcK iT uP bUtTeRcUP””, I DON’T WANT TO JUST SIT AROUND ALL DAY and it’s NOT THAT I DONT WANT TO WORK. I just wish workplaces were more goddamn reasonable around holiday time off and remote work, so that we don’t have to drag our asses in when there is LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO IN PERSON and so we can actually take a decent fucking break and spend some quality time with loved ones.

That is all.

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It’s depressing that I used to get excited for Thanksgiving break, winter break….and now I get excited for one measly remote day

9 months into the 9-5 grind and I’m still not fully adjusted to it. I’m still so angry and bitter and frustrated that this is my goddamn life now. Thanksgiving break used to be 5 days long. Winter break was a month. Now I have to fight tooth and nail for the chance to have ONE REMOTE DAY on the day after Thanksgiving, even though our operations are shut down so there’s literally no reason for me to go in person. I’ve been looking forward to having Thanksgiving day off and Black Friday remote for the entire month. One measly day off for Thanksgiving, then straight back to work. One measly day off for Christmas, Christmas Eve not even included, then straight back to work. And before any of you come at me with “dOn’t Be sO lAzY” and “sUcK iT uP bUtTeRcUP””, I DON’T WANT TO JUST SIT AROUND…

9 months into the 9-5 grind and I’m still not fully adjusted to it. I’m still so angry and bitter and frustrated that this is my goddamn life now. Thanksgiving break used to be 5 days long. Winter break was a month. Now I have to fight tooth and nail for the chance to have ONE REMOTE DAY on the day after Thanksgiving, even though our operations are shut down so there’s literally no reason for me to go in person. I’ve been looking forward to having Thanksgiving day off and Black Friday remote for the entire month.

One measly day off for Thanksgiving, then straight back to work. One measly day off for Christmas, Christmas Eve not even included, then straight back to work. And before any of you come at me with “dOn’t Be sO lAzY” and “sUcK iT uP bUtTeRcUP””, I DON’T WANT TO JUST SIT AROUND ALL DAY and it’s NOT THAT I DONT WANT TO WORK. I just wish workplaces were more goddamn reasonable around holiday time off and remote work, so that we don’t have to drag our asses in when there is LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO IN PERSON and so we can actually take a decent fucking break and spend some quality time with loved ones.

That is all.

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