
Managing working two jobs

Hellooooo (21F) I have a full time job m-f. Basic 9-5. And I also am a full time college student. Of course, I don’t make enough to have money to save afterwards. So before this second position, it was paycheck to paycheck living. (Still is really) but I’ve got bills and tuition to pay. So I picked up a seasonal weekend retail position right across the street from my current job. I’ll start by saying I forgot how much I hated working retail. Jesus Christ it is just fucking awful. Even for just two days a week. Anyway, not to complain because I’m well aware of what I signed up for, but to people that have been in a two job situation, how did you manage? I’ve realized that I’m saying goodbye to any social life I had and accepted that, but the fatigue…. The constant work days without days…

Hellooooo (21F) I have a full time job m-f. Basic 9-5. And I also am a full time college student. Of course, I don’t make enough to have money to save afterwards. So before this second position, it was paycheck to paycheck living. (Still is really) but I’ve got bills and tuition to pay. So I picked up a seasonal weekend retail position right across the street from my current job. I’ll start by saying I forgot how much I hated working retail. Jesus Christ it is just fucking awful. Even for just two days a week. Anyway, not to complain because I’m well aware of what I signed up for, but to people that have been in a two job situation, how did you manage? I’ve realized that I’m saying goodbye to any social life I had and accepted that, but the fatigue…. The constant work days without days off. Not to mention it’s holiday season. I don’t know, I just need some tips. Even if they aren’t particularly healthy, I need to find a way to keep pushing through this shit. I’ve already used my vacation time for the year at my full time job so I’ve got no choice but to keep pushing

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