
Sick call backfires on boss

This is an older story, but I only just found this sub and realized this was the perfect place to share it. So back in the height of Covid (sometime in 2021) I called in sick to work as I had a pretty bad headache and some issues with my sinuses (I have sinusitis, and I took a rapid covid test and it was neg). My boss called me after I put in the sick request demanding to know what was wrong (illegal!!) I told him anyway, and let him know that I would be back to work ASAP. Up until this point I was an incredibly reliable worker so he had no reason to doubt me. Apparently, me “self diagnosing” with a sinus issue and taking Tylenol wasn't good enough for him. He demanded I go to the hospital and get a covid test (despite me taking a rapid…

This is an older story, but I only just found this sub and realized this was the perfect place to share it.

So back in the height of Covid (sometime in 2021) I called in sick to work as I had a pretty bad headache and some issues with my sinuses (I have sinusitis, and I took a rapid covid test and it was neg). My boss called me after I put in the sick request demanding to know what was wrong (illegal!!) I told him anyway, and let him know that I would be back to work ASAP. Up until this point I was an incredibly reliable worker so he had no reason to doubt me.

Apparently, me “self diagnosing” with a sinus issue and taking Tylenol wasn't good enough for him. He demanded I go to the hospital and get a covid test (despite me taking a rapid one) so I could “get back to work quicker”.

Despite how fucked up this whole thing was, I knew that covid tests at the hospital took 2-3 days for results to come back, and our work policy didn't allow us to work if we were waiting on results. So my petty ass went to the hospital needless to say after an extra 3 days off work (and a negative covid test) I was called into his office… except there was obviously nothing he could do. I swear I could see the steam coming out of his ears.

I quit not long after, and as far as I know he still works there, but my coworkers who still work there say he's been written up by HR multiple times.

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