
Boss sent rude email

My boss sent me a rude email about something I did wrong but she’s so friendly with everyone else in the office. Idk why she doesn’t like me – maybe bc I keep to myself – but she’s so nice to the laziest employees but I do my best to do a good job and she jumps on any mistake I make. I feel burned out and every job I’m at I don’t fit in and can’t conform and wonder why do I even try?

My boss sent me a rude email about something I did wrong but she’s so friendly with everyone else in the office. Idk why she doesn’t like me – maybe bc I keep to myself – but she’s so nice to the laziest employees but I do my best to do a good job and she jumps on any mistake I make. I feel burned out and every job I’m at I don’t fit in and can’t conform and wonder why do I even try?

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