
Job Interviewers ghosting me

This is the 3rd time I've applied somewhere, scheduled an interview, and then the day of get ghosted. Today really stung because it was for a decent position with good pay and a complete change of field for me, which I desperately need. If I don't get out of my current job soon I'm considering checking myself into a psych ward somewhere, but even that's not an option because the insurance my job offers is awful and the extended stay would bankrupt me. I'm just so tired of getting my hopes up and having them crushed when companies decide I'm not worth the 5 minutes of your day to send an email. I feel stuck in this dead end job and like every attempt I make to leave for something better is swiftly and cosmically dealt with. I'm so tired of this goddamn grind, and I really just wish it…

This is the 3rd time I've applied somewhere, scheduled an interview, and then the day of get ghosted. Today really stung because it was for a decent position with good pay and a complete change of field for me, which I desperately need. If I don't get out of my current job soon I'm considering checking myself into a psych ward somewhere, but even that's not an option because the insurance my job offers is awful and the extended stay would bankrupt me.

I'm just so tired of getting my hopes up and having them crushed when companies decide I'm not worth the 5 minutes of your day to send an email. I feel stuck in this dead end job and like every attempt I make to leave for something better is swiftly and cosmically dealt with. I'm so tired of this goddamn grind, and I really just wish it would end already.

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