
It finally happened. Assaulted at work.

I work in the disability sector. My company has a problematic client, who commonly escalates and assaults his male support workers, on occasion with a weapon. The company's response when this happens is more or less “that's terrible… you're right to keep working with him though, right? He normally loves you, please don't let rhis affect your relationship…”. For various reasons that basically boil down to “it's a decent pating job and no one wants to risk unemployment” most staff continue to work with him. For 6 months, although we've has some escalated incidents,we've generally worked pretty well together and he happily tells everyone I'm one of his favourites. Tonight it finally happened, though, I made a comment that he misinterpreted and his response was to hit me in the back of the head. I'm angry at myself and upset with the client and dreading the fallout tomorrow when I…

I work in the disability sector. My company has a problematic client, who commonly escalates and assaults his male support workers, on occasion with a weapon. The company's response when this happens is more or less “that's terrible… you're right to keep working with him though, right? He normally loves you, please don't let rhis affect your relationship…”. For various reasons that basically boil down to “it's a decent pating job and no one wants to risk unemployment” most staff continue to work with him. For 6 months, although we've has some escalated incidents,we've generally worked pretty well together and he happily tells everyone I'm one of his favourites. Tonight it finally happened, though, I made a comment that he misinterpreted and his response was to hit me in the back of the head. I'm angry at myself and upset with the client and dreading the fallout tomorrow when I tell the company I'm not working with this client again.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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