
Starting a new job at a big company is soul-draining

I just got a job at a big well known insurance company. We had a ‘meeting’ of about 200 new hires throughout the country today where we basically just watched videos about how the company is a family and how good of a company it is and why we should all be so thankful for getting this job. Half of the meeting was them saying “this company helps people, we strive to help everyone and be good people. But also we have to make a huge massive profit uwu and that’s our number one goal uwu.” Everyone was absolutely boot-licking the company in the comments and on mic saying how happy they are to work for such a classy company, and I was just losing my shit laughing on mute. Someone literally said “I feel like we all just got drafted to the best company ever, we are SO lucky.”…

I just got a job at a big well known insurance company. We had a ‘meeting’ of about 200 new hires throughout the country today where we basically just watched videos about how the company is a family and how good of a company it is and why we should all be so thankful for getting this job. Half of the meeting was them saying “this company helps people, we strive to help everyone and be good people. But also we have to make a huge massive profit uwu and that’s our number one goal uwu.”

Everyone was absolutely boot-licking the company in the comments and on mic saying how happy they are to work for such a classy company, and I was just losing my shit laughing on mute. Someone literally said “I feel like we all just got drafted to the best company ever, we are SO lucky.” This system is such a fucking scam and I’m so tired of it.

I need this job because I’m in my 20s with no college degree and my parents are both dirt poor. I’m single, barely have any friends, and completely have to fend for myself. I have no other ways to make money so this is my only option right now. I can already feel my soul being sucked dry. I’m depressed as hell.

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