
I just can not get an unemployment-friendly firing!!

I've been trying to get a favorable firing for almost a year and a half now and work is like Queen and they will not let me go (yw for the ear worm.) Finally yesterday I thought my plan had come to fruition. Got hauled in to the conference room. President came across my Linkedin with a “Currently Looking” status. Anticipation building. I made excuses because you have to at least “try” to keep your job. He said he hoped I was telling the truth because he'd hate to let me go for looking elsewhere (which should be sue-able but thank you right to slave I mean work.) Ended with, “Make a list over the next several months of your negatives about the job.” Anticipation gone. And no, they won't do anything with the list except share it with any specific people I complain about…so obviously I won't take this…

I've been trying to get a favorable firing for almost a year and a half now and work is like Queen and they will not let me go (yw for the ear worm.)

Finally yesterday I thought my plan had come to fruition. Got hauled in to the conference room. President came across my Linkedin with a “Currently Looking” status. Anticipation building. I made excuses because you have to at least “try” to keep your job. He said he hoped I was telling the truth because he'd hate to let me go for looking elsewhere (which should be sue-able but thank you right to slave I mean work.) Ended with, “Make a list over the next several months of your negatives about the job.” Anticipation gone. And no, they won't do anything with the list except share it with any specific people I complain about…so obviously I won't take this seriously.

Then today they drug tested everyone….except the office staff. Come on! Sure, unemployment may have not come through on that one but at least there'd be a chance since weed is legal and I don't drive the forklift or, you know, stand up.

I'm on Reddit and YouTube literally 6 hours a day. Friday is my Netflix day since most work 4-10s. I actually (ahem) just figured out that Google has a bangin' browser-based remote desktop so now I can work on Resolve edits on my home editing computer without so much as running an HDMI. I rarely clear my history and…nothing. Again, shaky ground for UI but I'll take my chances.

I guess I'll just keep on with my quiet quit until the direct deposits stop coming through.

(Note: I actually am a good employee and I WANT to work hard and smart. It's the company that failed me, starting with canceling profit sharing a year and a half ago without even mentioning it to us. There is much more, mostly around lack of any benefits, 4 vacation days a YEAR even after 5-10 years (no, seriously), rampant nepotism / cronyism, owner being a Trumpie, you get it.)

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