
People talking

I’m in a cubicle where the corners are how the everyone is seated at the desk. The people in my cubicle always have visitors over talking about stuff, therapy session or whatever. I always get the feeling of annoyance it feels like these people are always peering over my shoulder. This happens many times a day where a group of three gather in the middle of the cubicle. Should I just relax or does anyone else feel the same?

I’m in a cubicle where the corners are how the everyone is seated at the desk. The people in my cubicle always have visitors over talking about stuff, therapy session or whatever. I always get the feeling of annoyance it feels like these people are always peering over my shoulder. This happens many times a day where a group of three gather in the middle of the cubicle.

Should I just relax or does anyone else feel the same?

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