
What are companies actually thinking?

I have worked as a contractor for the past 15 years and often coworkers and I see solutions to problems, but have so many Roblox to actually solve the issue. It almost seems so common that upper management and companies could care less of how to resolve issues and focus on things that do not matter yet somehow businesses are still making money. For example, we have a event coming up next week and in my company there are about 30 people involved. Now I am being told I am supporting this event, but nobody can tell us what we are doing what we need to set up and what is needed yet so much money is being invested into this, but the very basics of why we’re even going is not been discussed and it won’t be until about a day or two prior to the event. This is…

I have worked as a contractor for the past 15 years and often coworkers and I see solutions to problems, but have so many Roblox to actually solve the issue. It almost seems so common that upper management and companies could care less of how to resolve issues and focus on things that do not matter yet somehow businesses are still making money.

For example, we have a event coming up next week and in my company there are about 30 people involved. Now I am being told I am supporting this event, but nobody can tell us what we are doing what we need to set up and what is needed yet so much money is being invested into this, but the very basics of why we’re even going is not been discussed and it won’t be until about a day or two prior to the event. This is become so common to where it does not even phase me, and it’s expected at this point to be a normal part of business.

Is it just me or does anybody else experiences or understand the leadership logic that goes behind this?

End of rant.

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