
No two weeks notice

You don't get two weeks notice when you get fired or terminated or laid off. They didnt give my pregnant coworker notice when they fired her. They told her she was on probation for 10 days then ignored her calls. HR had to tell her she was terminated, what a coward manager. The job I accepted I start Monday and it is a nearlly 20%wage increase with the commute only a mile from home. Won't get one day holiday pay but the money will make up for that day anyways. I'm just going to dick around, on the clock, and near the end if my say I quit, if you need it in writing let me know now but im gone. No drama. No F U. The real F U is getting more money and getting out. I'm resisting the urge to be dramatic and I am just loading up…

You don't get two weeks notice when you get fired or terminated or laid off. They didnt give my pregnant coworker notice when they fired her. They told her she was on probation for 10 days then ignored her calls. HR had to tell her she was terminated, what a coward manager.

The job I accepted I start Monday and it is a nearlly 20%wage increase with the commute only a mile from home. Won't get one day holiday pay but the money will make up for that day anyways.

I'm just going to dick around, on the clock, and near the end if my say I quit, if you need it in writing let me know now but im gone. No drama. No F U. The real F U is getting more money and getting out.

I'm resisting the urge to be dramatic and I am just loading up my car with all the complimentary food they give out before I leave.

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