
Lost all trust in the company I work for

So, I've been going at this for the last month with my company. My manager asked me to help my coworker out by taking one of his shifts in exchange for an alternative day off the week prior. I decided to help my coworker out and agreed to the one-time shift change. So, on week one, I had worked 30 hours, and the next week I was going to work 50 hours and it would even out to 80 hours. Anyways, on the 2nd week (50 hours week), I had put in some PTO time for one of the days (which my manager approved) and this is where I'm getting fucked over. About a month later, when all the time-sheets were submitted, Payroll denied my PTO and is refusing to pay me. They're saying because I had already worked 40-hours in week 2, then I'm not entitled to more hours…

So, I've been going at this for the last month with my company.

My manager asked me to help my coworker out by taking one of his shifts in exchange for an alternative day off the week prior.

I decided to help my coworker out and agreed to the one-time shift change.

So, on week one, I had worked 30 hours, and the next week I was going to work 50 hours and it would even out to 80 hours.

Anyways, on the 2nd week (50 hours week), I had put in some PTO time for one of the days (which my manager approved) and this is where I'm getting fucked over.

About a month later, when all the time-sheets were submitted, Payroll denied my PTO and is refusing to pay me. They're saying because I had already worked 40-hours in week 2, then I'm not entitled to more hours because they “cap PTO from being applied past 40-hours in a week”.

Despite the fact that I've shown them hard proof that I had only worked 30 hours the week before, and explained to them that I was on this one-time schedule change to help a colleague, they literally don't give a fuck. In fact, the very last message they sent me is how the “FSLA doesn't have any legal requirements to pay out PTO and they can deny it at their discretion.” This is absolutely not listed in their handbook, their handbook says PTO is free to take as long as mgmt approves.

So, now I'm missing an entire 10 hours of pay because now, the 10 extra hours of PTO that would have covered my short 30-hour week has been denied and I got completely fucked by a company who I previously thought I could trust and worked my ass off everyday for.

Anyways, my state's laws actually say that PTO is required to be paid if it's in the company policy to pay it. All I have to do is file a wage-claim, but at this point, this company strikes me as a company who would terminate me for “performance” issues to avoid illegally terminating me for retaliation.

Fortunately, I had a lot saved in my HSA that my company contributes to every month, so I just used a benefit they gave me to cover for a benefit they are refusing to give me… This whole situations fucked.

Sad thing is, before this, I did like the company and was a great worker who was always willing to help, but this whole situation has left me extremely bitter and I'm having a hard time talking myself into actually working because I don't trust them. I'll make it through tho, thanks anyone who read up on this

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