
I believe you all have one major blind spot

I like this sub, generally. Fighting for higher wages and human rights in late stage capitalism is a good cause. However, I see a major blind spot in the majority of the comments on how salaries for the ceo/founder should be equal to the amount of work done, which can only be 1.5x the average employee at best. I'm a founder of a SAAS business myself, I have spent the last 3 years slowly building this business myself in my free time outside of work. I launched a year ago, tested the market, sent countless emails and realized that I had to pivot my product for it to sell. I just finished building the second version, and I'm finally getting some traction. There was no guarantee this would work, and it was very difficult to build while working a full time job. Eventually, I'll hire some engineers who will have…

I like this sub, generally. Fighting for higher wages and human rights in late stage capitalism is a good cause.

However, I see a major blind spot in the majority of the comments on how salaries for the ceo/founder should be equal to the amount of work done, which can only be 1.5x the average employee at best.

I'm a founder of a SAAS business myself, I have spent the last 3 years slowly building this business myself in my free time outside of work.

I launched a year ago, tested the market, sent countless emails and realized that I had to pivot my product for it to sell.

I just finished building the second version, and I'm finally getting some traction.

There was no guarantee this would work, and it was very difficult to build while working a full time job.

Eventually, I'll hire some engineers who will have gauranteed pay, benefits, etc.

No way in hell with they make the same or even close to the same amount I do.

I'll pay them market rates for engineering, say 150k a year.

Same goes for the marketers.

I'll make a certain percentage of the companies profit.

Now, if an engineer or marketers comes up with something creative for the business that nets us huge returns, that is when I can pay them a percentage of the profit on that idea.

Anyway, long winded, but you can see how the levels of investment and risk taking make pay more complex than just “work produced”.

Most extreme profit doesn't come from labor alone, but very creative thinking and risk taking.

I think most of you are more angry with people who inherit money and buy a factory only to pay the workers minimum wage or close to it.

I can understand that.

I would never hire anyone under a livable wage. To me a livable wage provides enough for housing, medical, food, yearly travel, and a extra for emergencies and savings.

That wage would be for the easiest jobs, then it would increase based on the complexity of the job.

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