
Tenp service holding me back?

I am working at a factor under a temp service. I did a application to see if they would take me sooner but, it would break contract with the temp service for them to take me on sooner than the 90 days. Would it be worth it to leave the temp service and call the factory back, or would it backfire by making them look bad? I'm sick of this leech temp service but, I need to keep making money! Ug…

I am working at a factor under a temp service. I did a application to see if they would take me sooner but, it would break contract with the temp service for them to take me on sooner than the 90 days. Would it be worth it to leave the temp service and call the factory back, or would it backfire by making them look bad? I'm sick of this leech temp service but, I need to keep making money! Ug…

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