
I keep saying I’m just about done

Today a staff member SIQ (staff in question) who I manage responded to my observation that they were handling raw chicken unsafely by getting verbally belligerent and squaring up with me. I complained to my boss. This is nothing new. I've been receiving belligerent harassing treatment from SIQ for a year and a half, and I'm a manager. We work with vulnerable people. I legitimately have to ask how SIQ treats people who can't speak up for themselves when she's willing to treat her manager like that. I've complained and asked for intervention, and all I really got out of it was a meeting where she was just allowed to unload on me and there was no addressing of her belligerent behavior. When I complained to my boss today he said in his judgment he doesn't need to do anything about it and if I feel unsafe I should talk…

Today a staff member SIQ (staff in question) who I manage responded to my observation that they were handling raw chicken unsafely by getting verbally belligerent and squaring up with me. I complained to my boss. This is nothing new. I've been receiving belligerent harassing treatment from SIQ for a year and a half, and I'm a manager. We work with vulnerable people. I legitimately have to ask how SIQ treats people who can't speak up for themselves when she's willing to treat her manager like that. I've complained and asked for intervention, and all I really got out of it was a meeting where she was just allowed to unload on me and there was no addressing of her belligerent behavior. When I complained to my boss today he said in his judgment he doesn't need to do anything about it and if I feel unsafe I should talk to the police. We are a small company. We have no HR department. SIQ is a manipulator who's got everybody eating out of their hand while being abusive towards me. I'm very committed to my job. What should I do?

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