
I actually love my current job, but I rarely know my schedule more than a few days ahead of time, am I being foolish?

I won't go into too many details, because like I said, I love this job and want to play it safe. My job is really fun and rewarding, stressful often but they pay is competitive, well and fair. My benefits are awesome, the hours aren't too long, I always get a break during my shift, etc. The trouble I'm having is that our schedule for the next week often isn't posted until a day or two before the week starts. Once in a while we get our schedule a whole week ahead of time, but rarely and never more than 7 days ahead. I am expected to work holidays and weekends, and I'm okay with that sacrifice. However, I'm not okay with not being able to plan anything ahead of time. I cannot request days or even parts of days off because we are always understaffed and most dates are…

I won't go into too many details, because like I said, I love this job and want to play it safe. My job is really fun and rewarding, stressful often but they pay is competitive, well and fair. My benefits are awesome, the hours aren't too long, I always get a break during my shift, etc. The trouble I'm having is that our schedule for the next week often isn't posted until a day or two before the week starts. Once in a while we get our schedule a whole week ahead of time, but rarely and never more than 7 days ahead. I am expected to work holidays and weekends, and I'm okay with that sacrifice. However, I'm not okay with not being able to plan anything ahead of time. I cannot request days or even parts of days off because we are always understaffed and most dates are “blacked out.” My brother will be in town for three days around Thanksgiving. I know I'm missing the Holiday, but I also likely have to miss seeing my brother as he only comes home a few times each year and packs his schedule to see his friends and family. I can't carve any time out ahead of time because I don't know my schedule and I won't on time to see him. I make these kinds of sacrifices several times every month- missing friends, events, parties, shows, dinners, etc because people plan farther ahead than my job allows me to. The schedule is posted so late because we are understaffed and have a constant rotating door of employees, and I understand why it's difficult to make a schedule but frankly- THAT IS NOT MY PROBLEM. I sacrifice so much for the company to make up for short staffing, but I don't know if it's worth it anymore. Is it worth looking elsewhere for a job I will probably hate that allows me to live my life a little more freely? Or am I being a fool? I'm a job-hater, I hate working and never stick to a place more than a year. I'm 30 now and my resume looks like a game of hot-potato. I've been here for over a year and genuinely enjoy my time on the clock for the first time. I just want to enjoy my time off the clock again

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