
The ridiculous hoops you have to jump through just to apply for a part-time gig

So my unemployment benefits ran out this week and I'm financially fucked despite the hundreds-if not nearly a thousand-of applications and resume submissions I've done the last six months. Now I'm applying everywhere, even fucking fast food. (The amount of pride that I had to swallow to do that, let alone admit it.) Yet they're not even calling me back despite “dumbing down” my resume/application (omitting my degrees). The only places that seem to hire now are customer service bullshit positions and the requirements are ludicrous. I finally got a call back from an insurance company and had a phone interview. The position was 20 hours a week (no set shifts; I would have to be available through the week if I was needed to work more) at a measly $16 an hour where I would have to be a float at various sites throughout the district and attend mandatory…

So my unemployment benefits ran out this week and I'm financially fucked despite the hundreds-if not nearly a thousand-of applications and resume submissions I've done the last six months. Now I'm applying everywhere, even fucking fast food. (The amount of pride that I had to swallow to do that, let alone admit it.) Yet they're not even calling me back despite “dumbing down” my resume/application (omitting my degrees). The only places that seem to hire now are customer service bullshit positions and the requirements are ludicrous.

I finally got a call back from an insurance company and had a phone interview. The position was 20 hours a week (no set shifts; I would have to be available through the week if I was needed to work more) at a measly $16 an hour where I would have to be a float at various sites throughout the district and attend mandatory training for three consecutive days at the company's HQ that is located two hours away from me. On top of all that needless bullshit, I have to complete assessments that consist of identifying the fucking differences of two illustrations and a couple of cringey personality quizzes just to proceed to the next step: the in-person interview.

I seriously think I took an edible that rendered me to be permanently stoned because life is a complete joke at this point. The movie “Brazil” wasn't satire but predictive programming. The unnecessary bureaucratic red tape is astounding. Keep in mind this is arguably for an entry-level spot because how in the fuck can you survive on $16 an hour for 20 hours per week? I'm not applying for an executive spot, FFS. God, I can only imagine the number of hoops you have to jump through for a mid-manager spot there.

Nothing is being done to change this. It is only getting worse. This group is just another echo chamber (I'm sorry but it is since we're now rapidly becoming slaves). If you see a white guy in the Midwest on the news protesting with a sign that says “Fuck Mercantilism” then that's probably me.

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