
Train me for the job and recruit someone else it’s so unfair….

My boss is retiring in a few months and has been training me for her role, while I am still doing my own tasks. She constantly says I will be perfect for the role. I am fuming right now because I wanted some clarity as to what the plan will be and asked. She tells me “They will be recruiting for my role in January, and you can apply”. Umm what? My company is great and all but I don't feel it's fair to sacrifice my time and effort learning her role just so I have to be their backup person for who ever they hire. I want the role, but I don't want to be putting so much effort now for possibly nothing. How can I communicate this without sounding snarky or selfish? Any suggestions?

My boss is retiring in a few months and has been training me for her role, while I am still doing my own tasks. She constantly says I will be perfect for the role. I am fuming right now because I wanted some clarity as to what the plan will be and asked. She tells me “They will be recruiting for my role in January, and you can apply”. Umm what? My company is great and all but I don't feel it's fair to sacrifice my time and effort learning her role just so I have to be their backup person for who ever they hire. I want the role, but I don't want to be putting so much effort now for possibly nothing. How can I communicate this without sounding snarky or selfish? Any suggestions?

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