
My boss wanted to f*ck me but it turned out the other way

Hello everyone, this is a mini-story about how a CEO should not treat his employees, suppliers, and especially his clients. I worked as a manager in a company selling Hemp Products gummies, vapes etc (without advertising), responsible for most processes in the business such as building a website, filling it, sending stuff, customer support, purchasing stuff, inventory, packaging, and sending to customers. In fact, in my boss’s online business, my work was 99%, and his was only 1%. All the boss did was send emails every day with discounts, drink alcohol, and think that Revenue = Profit. I was always alone in the office, and the boss came for a maximum of 10 minutes. The business was built before the boss and was a happy accident handed over to him; at the time of the transfer, the store was making $50k in revenue per month. I worked for more than…

Hello everyone, this is a mini-story about how a CEO should not treat his employees, suppliers, and especially his clients. I worked as a manager in a company selling Hemp Products gummies, vapes etc (without advertising), responsible for most processes in the business such as building a website, filling it, sending stuff, customer support, purchasing stuff, inventory, packaging, and sending to customers. In fact, in my boss’s online business, my work was 99%, and his was only 1%. All the boss did was send emails every day with discounts, drink alcohol, and think that Revenue = Profit.

I was always alone in the office, and the boss came for a maximum of 10 minutes. The business was built before the boss and was a happy accident handed over to him; at the time of the transfer, the store was making $50k in revenue per month. I worked for more than 1.5 years, and everything seemed to be going fine; I received a salary, etc. But in the last months of work, complete chaos began.

Our sales fell, and all the money that my boss had, he decided to invest in moving to a new apartment for $5,000 a month. Of course, you have to pay 1 or 2 months plus a deposit; I don’t count the contracts yet. At that time, the entrance fee to the new apartments was $15k. Our warehouse at this time is completely empty, and we have no money to fill it. I have been explaining for a couple of months that we cannot do this because we will be finished.

As a result, we owed suppliers more than $20,000 from previous purchases that were to be sold. Yes, you understood everything correctly: the boss took the product for sale but did not repay the debt from the money he earned. Instead, he simply spent the money on his own entertainment.

I began to understand that I had to act and quit because no one would give me my salary of $5,000, which had accumulated in 2 months. We also sometimes had people under our command who helped to put gummies in the jars, packing vapes etc. There were also salaries of under $10,000 for 2 months.

But people continue to order stuff on the website, and we cannot send anything because the warehouse is completely empty. How many times have customers received a completely different product than what they ordered because old stock was sent out. Therefore, this company simply turned into a scam that send email with discounts and did not send the right product or not send it at all and not refund money. I quit immediately after all this.

I tried to get my money back but was unsuccessful. So, since my boss gave a shit about me and left me with no choice, I launched my own brand of these products, which meet all standards. Everything is always fresh and of high quality.

This story will also be useful for all of you guys. If you want to do something and you are tired of everything that is around you, then you just need to act. I'm really glad that now I can genuinely please clients, and I get complete pleasure from it.

P.S – I quit my job a couple of months ago and this brand completely stopped working and from 30 flavors there was only 1 left. I think this is now the end of the boss’s business.

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