
At a loss as to what to do/How to help someone in a horrible working situation

Good Evening, I’m just looking for advice or thoughts on a situation that my partner is currently dealing with. I can’t explain a lot of details due to wanting to conserve privacy, but I will do the best to lay out the situation. My partner is currently a General Manager at a fast food restaurant (U.S. Deep South) and they are being treated abhorrently at their job and it breaks them and me to see it happen. The situation is fairly complex, so just up and leaving is not likely an option as this job covers just enough to pay their bills, and there is nothing else in the area that will pay better with their skillset/experience. Every single week is 50+ hours, mandatory unpaid overtime (they are on a fixed salary where they are paid for 40hrs/week and are ineligible for paid overtime due to their job title being…

Good Evening, I’m just looking for advice or thoughts on a situation that my partner is currently dealing with. I can’t explain a lot of details due to wanting to conserve privacy, but I will do the best to lay out the situation.

My partner is currently a General Manager at a fast food restaurant (U.S. Deep South) and they are being treated abhorrently at their job and it breaks them and me to see it happen. The situation is fairly complex, so just up and leaving is not likely an option as this job covers just enough to pay their bills, and there is nothing else in the area that will pay better with their skillset/experience.

Every single week is 50+ hours, mandatory unpaid overtime (they are on a fixed salary where they are paid for 40hrs/week and are ineligible for paid overtime due to their job title being managerial). It’s to the point where they were forced to work with a 101F fever for 18 hours straight by their boss above them (the district manager). I don’t even know how to get started on complaining about the district manager. Even though she has been reported for being awful before, nobody at HR seems to listen, and when she finds out someone reported her, then she retaliates by demoting them due to “poor performance”. These 18+ hour days are not even a rare occurrence, they are quite common. It’s to the point where it is severely negatively effecting my partner’s health from sleep deprivation and they start falling asleep while commuting. Sometimes my partner is also forced to work until 3am at night and then open bright and early at 8:30am leaving practically no time for rest. Not to mention, they get absolutely no vacation time. Have been trying to plan a vacation with them months ahead, but they seem skeptical about going because their work will burn down without them being there.

I could go on and on about the frustrations, and what I said here is only the tip of the iceburg. I’m a senior year undergraduate student in university, so I am of not much financial help to my partner at the moment. I just feel incredibly broken and cynical about everything and seeing how poorly someone I love so much is treated. Normally I don’t really like to get advice from Reddit, but I’m kind of stuck. I don’t know what to do outside of providing emotional support. I feel broken and extremely angry at the world, so I’m just reaching out for any advice or thoughts on the matter

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