
New job, already hell

I've been at this job a little over a month and I've already spent a couple nights rage scrolling indeed, which is pretty much a new record for me, but today takes the cake. There are a million things I could complain about (coworker hostility, lack of management support, 8 hour turnaround times between shifts) but the one thing I absolutely don't tolerate from a job is messing with my pay. I've received three checks since I started this job. The first one has no issues – I was still training and had only worked day shifts so no real issues. The second check felt a little light but I thought I was imagining it. Then an HR rep sent me an email informing me they didn't give me my pay differential (I had started training graveyard shift and should've gotten an extra 50 cents an hour for those shifts).…

I've been at this job a little over a month and I've already spent a couple nights rage scrolling indeed, which is pretty much a new record for me, but today takes the cake.

There are a million things I could complain about (coworker hostility, lack of management support, 8 hour turnaround times between shifts) but the one thing I absolutely don't tolerate from a job is messing with my pay. I've received three checks since I started this job. The first one has no issues – I was still training and had only worked day shifts so no real issues.

The second check felt a little light but I thought I was imagining it. Then an HR rep sent me an email informing me they didn't give me my pay differential (I had started training graveyard shift and should've gotten an extra 50 cents an hour for those shifts). She told me it should be corrected for future shifts and that they had a physical check I could pick up in the office at my earliest convenience. Alright, at least they corrected it.

At the beginning of this week, the HR rep messaged me again (on teams this time) telling me the same issue had occurred and that my pay differential wouldnt be on this check, either, but that they had another physical check for me. I asked if she could mail them both because I'm working graveyard now, so the main office isn't open when I'm working, and I commute. She agreed. She also assured (again) that this issue would be fixed on future checks.

So I knew my direct deposit wouldn't be my full check, but when I checked my bank account this morning (payday) it was significantly lower than it should've been. With holiday pay and OT, I had 91.5 hours on this check. I did the math and, even without my pay differential, my check should've been over $1900 gross.

The check I was issues was $395.49 gross.

Of course I immediately logged into our system to pull up my paystub and see where the hell the issue was. They entered the payment modifier where the hourly rate should've been. So, for example, my regular hours were 1x my regular pay. Instead of entering my pay, they paid me $1 an hour. My overtime, which is paid at 1.5x my regular rate, was entered as me being paid $1.50 an hour.

I promptly messaged HR to alert them to the issue, but I'm livid. I have bills due (literally tomorrow) and I've never had this many issues with being paid properly before.

I was even warned by another coworker during my training to keep an eye on my paystubs because the company messes up pay a lot, which makes it obvious this is a recurring issue

This, along with all the other issues I've had, just makes me want to quit, honestly. If I could afford to or had a backup, I would. It's not asking too much to be paid for the work I'm doing.

So now here I am, sitting at work, knowing HR entered me to be paid $1 an hour and fuming until the next staff member arrives to relieve me

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