
My Manager Wouldn’t Let Me Take Off Work

This isn't serious or anything at it worked out in the end, but this was just so insane to me that I had to post it. So I had to take this Saturday off. I tried to take the day off in the app my employers use for scheduling, but it was a blocked day, meaning people couldn't take off for that day. I asked the manager in charge of scheduling why it was blocked, and he said it was because the only other restaurant in our chain in town was going to be closed for renovations. I thought this was weird, because they would be renovating for like two months, so I don't know why only that day specifically was blocked, but whatever. I just said okay and went about my day. I assumed that when I asked that it was implied I needed that day off and that…

This isn't serious or anything at it worked out in the end, but this was just so insane to me that I had to post it.

So I had to take this Saturday off. I tried to take the day off in the app my employers use for scheduling, but it was a blocked day, meaning people couldn't take off for that day. I asked the manager in charge of scheduling why it was blocked, and he said it was because the only other restaurant in our chain in town was going to be closed for renovations. I thought this was weird, because they would be renovating for like two months, so I don't know why only that day specifically was blocked, but whatever. I just said okay and went about my day. I assumed that when I asked that it was implied I needed that day off and that if I was scheduled that day, then I wouldn't be able to work it. In hindsight that was probably a stupid assumption of me to make, especially since the management is notoriously awful, but it's too late now. Anyway, I was scheduled this Saturday to work in the front of the restaurant (taking orders, making drinks, etc etc), and so I asked literally everybody who works in the front that wasn't working that day to take my shift. They all said no, which I wasn't surprised about and don't hold against them, as going to work has been especially miserable since the other restaurant in town closed. Lots of old and middle aged people constantly screaming at us for the line being long and stuff like that. So, I told the manager working that night that I wouldn't be able to work the shift. She asked if I went through all the steps (Did you ask everyone to cover your shift? Did you try and take the day off?). Of course I said yes and explained what I did for each question she asked. When she had asked for all the steps (I had done everything the best I could and by the book), she said that we would have to have a discussion in person, because either I or somebody else needed to cover the shift. This was very impossible because I had already asked everybody, and I would be out of town (which is why I needed the day off). It makes me even more mad considering I've worked there for over a year (it's a fast food restaurant, so people tend not to stick around), and I've only called out one other time the entire time I've worked there. The one other time I called out, they had 15 other people working (which is actually way too many), so it wasn't really an issue. I checked how many people would be working that night, and there would be FOURTEEN other people closing the restaurant. This doesn't include many other people working at night that don't stay until the restaurant closes, but of course help out before they leave. That's insane. Luckily last night I was working in the back (where we make food, etc), and someone back there also knows how to work in the front and offered to take the shift for $20. When I let the manager know it was covered, I almost told her she owed me $20 LOL.

The management at that restaurant, like I said, is notoriously awful. Our restaurant has to pay more than the other one in town just to get people to stay, because the management is infinitely better at the competing one. While nearly all the managers are bad, the one I had this conversation with is especially horrible compared to the others. I won't get into it, but she's awful to employees and in my opinion, doesn't do her job well.

Anyway sorry for the long post, I know this isn't nearly as awful as some of the other stuff on the subreddit, but this was so strange to me. Some other crazy stuff happened with management this week as well, but this one was just so weird and insane to me I just had to let others know.

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