
3-year hybrid work schedule ending because of … “Department objectives”

Since COVID, my workplace has allowed hybrid WFH. Last year they limited it to 2/5 days a week and did some job share for some positions. It sucked, but I accepted this. It did get me socializing more often, I guess. However, I just got notified that my application for hybrid this year was denied because of “department objectives”. Other departments get job share, hybrid, and even some full time WFH still. But me, who has 80% of my workload in a computer based scenario, doesn't get hybrid anymore. Hybrid improves my physical health because I take walks at lunch time when I am at home, which is when I also walk my dogs. I also have a treadmill desk. This means I also get some crucial vitamin d and sunlight at a time of year when it's pitch dark from 5pm-9am. I also get to sleep in an extra…

Since COVID, my workplace has allowed hybrid WFH. Last year they limited it to 2/5 days a week and did some job share for some positions. It sucked, but I accepted this. It did get me socializing more often, I guess.

However, I just got notified that my application for hybrid this year was denied because of “department objectives”. Other departments get job share, hybrid, and even some full time WFH still. But me, who has 80% of my workload in a computer based scenario, doesn't get hybrid anymore.

Hybrid improves my physical health because I take walks at lunch time when I am at home, which is when I also walk my dogs. I also have a treadmill desk. This means I also get some crucial vitamin d and sunlight at a time of year when it's pitch dark from 5pm-9am. I also get to sleep in an extra 45 minutes in the morning. All of this, obviously, impacts my mental health. I get SAD something fierce this time of year. Additionally, my office chair is shit and it kills my back.

Hybrid saves me money, however slight, because there's less gas use and wear and tear on my car. This also makes me overall safer – my commute is long and a lot of it is highway speeds.

I have a clean track record of being on time, not taking too many days off, being friendly and engaging with all other staff, and working hard (and being good at) my job. There's never been a single complaint made aainst me. But this minor perk, which doesn't impact my workplace in the slightest, is being taken away for legitimately no reason.

6 months ago I asked for a raise and it has to go through a bunch of hoops, so I have a feeling this is in part to get me to quit/leave the role so they can continue paying it less for the next person that comes in.

To top it all off, when I asked my boss if we could meet about this decision, he took the afternoon off before a weekend so he didn't have to deal with me.

Fuck this corporate bullshit. I'm going to be spending a lot more time now looking for better positions elsewhere.

And they wonder why employee retention is such an issue 🤷‍️

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