
Just watched my Roommate let the company he works for steal money from him to re issue his paycheck that they themselves lost, with proof mind you, a paycheck that is now 4 weeks late.

Long story short Big poultry company (that I can't name or they could fire the person in question (lmao)) had someone cover paycheck distribution or filing and failed to get my Roommates check to him. They even left a weird note about his check like he requested a new one, he never did. HR thought it was weird and of course tries to say it's my roomies fault and you should have your check, case dismissed. I recount his checks for him, verifying that he indeed did not get his fucking check. Still doesn't get his check, a week later he tells his boss, HR says “I'll make a note for Monday” Guess what never happened Monday? God fucking damn if it wasn't already obvious this is pure venting at this point. You'll never guess, he didn't get his fucking check, he talks to them today, they tell him to…

Long story short Big poultry company (that I can't name or they could fire the person in question (lmao)) had someone cover paycheck distribution or filing and failed to get my Roommates check to him. They even left a weird note about his check like he requested a new one, he never did. HR thought it was weird and of course tries to say it's my roomies fault and you should have your check, case dismissed. I recount his checks for him, verifying that he indeed did not get his fucking check. Still doesn't get his check, a week later he tells his boss, HR says “I'll make a note for Monday”

Guess what never happened Monday? God fucking damn if it wasn't already obvious this is pure venting at this point. You'll never guess, he didn't get his fucking check, he talks to them today, they tell him to sign a paper saying HE LOST THE CHECK and he has to pay the company $7 for a check THAT COULD BE FUCKING DIRECT DEPOSITED. WHAT THE FUCK!

Damn could you imagine if it were the other way around? He's be more fucked than he is now. ffs.

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