
Severance VS unemployment – any hard and fast pros/cons to either? Or are they not mutually exclusive?

My company is reorganising our department and my role is going from 40% in-office and ~6 business trips a year to 100% in-office and ~20 business trips a year. With a baby on the way and my office about 2hrs drive away, that’s not going to pan out well for me. My boss is a decent guy and feels for my situation so is suggesting I can either keep working with the new situation til I find something else or leave with severance (the details/amount of which have yet to be determined). I’m obviously not quitting so I’m wondering, if it comes down to them firing me or me taking severance, is there any hard and fast rule to protect myself and get the best solution to this situation? For example, does receiving severance preclude you from also claiming unemployment benefits? If it does, is there ever a situation where…

My company is reorganising our department and my role is going from 40% in-office and ~6 business trips a year to 100% in-office and ~20 business trips a year. With a baby on the way and my office about 2hrs drive away, that’s not going to pan out well for me.

My boss is a decent guy and feels for my situation so is suggesting I can either keep working with the new situation til I find something else or leave with severance (the details/amount of which have yet to be determined).

I’m obviously not quitting so I’m wondering, if it comes down to them firing me or me taking severance, is there any hard and fast rule to protect myself and get the best solution to this situation?

For example, does receiving severance preclude you from also claiming unemployment benefits? If it does, is there ever a situation where severance is better than being eligible for unemployment or does it really depend on how much severance and how difficult I feel it’ll be to find a new job?

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