
I work 60hrs / week

Just a quick breakdown of my situation. Clinica lab Scientist in the south working 7 X 12hr shifts every other week 3 X 12 hr shifts on alternating weeks Total avg hourly comes out to around 38hr Total yearly with 2880 hrs / year roughly 105-110k/yr My degree and education cost me 80k with multiple degrees and life choices(1,300/month) I also have 30k credit card debt(1,000/month), 180k mortgage(1,400/month), 15k car loan (450/month). Health insurance 650/month. also a wife and 2 kids with myself being the only breadwinner. Sad part is I need all these hours to just get by with all the expenses we have and loans to live a “normal” life now. I'm thankful my job isn't physically demanding so the hours are doable but I hate the feeling I'm never home and I'm not even making any meaningful dent in our loans. Just wanted to give my situation…

Just a quick breakdown of my situation.

Clinica lab Scientist in the south working

7 X 12hr shifts every other week
3 X 12 hr shifts on alternating weeks

Total avg hourly comes out to around 38hr

Total yearly with 2880 hrs / year roughly 105-110k/yr

My degree and education cost me 80k with multiple degrees and life choices(1,300/month) I also have 30k credit card debt(1,000/month), 180k mortgage(1,400/month), 15k car loan (450/month). Health insurance 650/month.

also a wife and 2 kids with myself being the only breadwinner.

Sad part is I need all these hours to just get by with all the expenses we have and loans to live a “normal” life now. I'm thankful my job isn't physically demanding so the hours are doable but I hate the feeling I'm never home and I'm not even making any meaningful dent in our loans.

Just wanted to give my situation and vent on my sadness that it's never enough money.

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