
The Karen of Vet Med

I work at a veterinary clinic. I was just doing my job. Trying to gather basic information from an owner and weigh her dogs. This is the standard in every vet clinic. This owner was incredibly rude to me the entire time. She wouldn't let me weigh her dogs. She refused to give me any information about medications they could be on, their diet, she wouldn't even confirm vaccines. She would only talk to the doctor. She was an absolute bitch to me and our secretary. No other word will suffice. So, I pull up the shots I technically don't have owner permission to give, hand them to the doctor/my boss outside of the room, and tell my boss that the owner is an absolute bitch, she is a horrible human being, that her dogs deserve better, and that there is a special circle in hell for her (Yes, I…

I work at a veterinary clinic. I was just doing my job. Trying to gather basic information from an owner and weigh her dogs. This is the standard in every vet clinic. This owner was incredibly rude to me the entire time. She wouldn't let me weigh her dogs. She refused to give me any information about medications they could be on, their diet, she wouldn't even confirm vaccines. She would only talk to the doctor. She was an absolute bitch to me and our secretary. No other word will suffice.

So, I pull up the shots I technically don't have owner permission to give, hand them to the doctor/my boss outside of the room, and tell my boss that the owner is an absolute bitch, she is a horrible human being, that her dogs deserve better, and that there is a special circle in hell for her (Yes, I absolutely said that to my boss).

Don't worry, the lady was ridiculously nice to the doctor. Just laughing away, acting like she was a fucking saint. Do people not think that doctors don't know when people mistreat their support staff? This lady was rude enough that my coworkers were approaching me to ask if I was okay after overhearing her. Unfortunately HIPPA prevents me from going into the level of detail that I want to. She said some truly awful things to me.

I told my boss that I was putting an alert on her account stating that I was never going to handle her or her dogs due to her verbally abusive and combative behavior again. If she calls and I answer, she is going on hold. She'll have to wait for someone else to be available to refill any meds or schedule her appointments. If her dogs need any medical care from a senior technician (bloodwork, a urinalysis, fecal, rads, cathetization, hospitalization, just to be run out to the bathroom), she's out of luck. If her dogs are scheduled for surgery on a day I'm in surgery, she is rescheduling or her pets are going under with no monitoring. If she comes in for a nail trim, she's going to be stuck waiting. I give 0 fucks. I refuse to be treated like that. Period.

I would wish this lady all the bad karma out there, but she clearly leads a miserable enough existence.

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