
I am leaving my terrible job!!!

I have posted about this job on here before but I put my two weeks in on the 6th so Monday the 20th will be my last day!!! But I don’t have work there Monday so technically today is my last day. The last work event I will be doing for them. My last hurrah. So, just some fun stuff that has happened that makes me overjoyed that this will be my last day: 1. For weeks I have been told a certain time frame for this event just to find out now at 6 am HOURS before that it is actually 1 hour earlier than what I was told which changes everything 2. The event is longer than what I was told which changes the pay and I sure as HELL hope that is reflected on their side 3. Equipment that is necessary for the event has been lost…

I have posted about this job on here before but I put my two weeks in on the 6th so Monday the 20th will be my last day!!! But I don’t have work there Monday so technically today is my last day. The last work event I will be doing for them. My last hurrah. So, just some fun stuff that has happened that makes me overjoyed that this will be my last day:
1. For weeks I have been told a certain time frame for this event just to find out now at 6 am HOURS before that it is actually 1 hour earlier than what I was told which changes everything
2. The event is longer than what I was told which changes the pay and I sure as HELL hope that is reflected on their side
3. Equipment that is necessary for the event has been lost for weeks and I seem to be the only person who cares because nobody has replaced it (this equipment would literally cost $15 at best buy and it’s been over a month since it went missing)
4. This event is very different from our standard events, it is a completely different kind of event so different equipment, different timing, more preparation and mental focus that I will need to put in and I was not made aware of this until, again, HOURS before the event.
5. I got myself locked out of my work account due to too many incorrect password attempts so now I cannot see any official documentation about the event, the location, my role, my pay, anything. Which is not the employer’s fault but just adding to the shit show!

Overall I cannot wait for this stupid thing to be over because I can already anticipate a fuck ton of problems that’ll pop up and I am going to be exhausted by the end of it. Once I have quit I am probably going to edit this and add the name of the company because I just can’t wait to say fuck you!

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