
2-week or 3-week Notice with PTO?

I’m early in my career and spent my first year and a half out of college working for a small tech company (less than 35 employees). The company itself is ran by an egotistical/narcissistic CEO. Its safe to say that the company is NOT profitable and the leadership has no idea how to make it profitable, let alone run a company. We can’t keep employees or customers. This company is all I know. I have well rounded knowledge of multiple aspects of the business. I’m the only one who understands how to publish stuff on the website since that was my first role at the company and they fired everyone else in marketing. I handle so much crap outside of my current job scope, procurement. So now since you have some background…I was just offered my dream job after working hard at interviews for months. I’m FREAKING OUT about leaving…

I’m early in my career and spent my first year and a half out of college working for a small tech company (less than 35 employees). The company itself is ran by an egotistical/narcissistic CEO. Its safe to say that the company is NOT profitable and the leadership has no idea how to make it profitable, let alone run a company. We can’t keep employees or customers.

This company is all I know. I have well rounded knowledge of multiple aspects of the business. I’m the only one who understands how to publish stuff on the website since that was my first role at the company and they fired everyone else in marketing. I handle so much crap outside of my current job scope, procurement.

So now since you have some background…I was just offered my dream job after working hard at interviews for months. I’m FREAKING OUT about leaving this company. I don’t owe them anything. The CEO is just so evil. I don’t know how he is going to react. I just received the offer on Friday and I already have PTO for Thanksgiving all next week. My start date with my new company is 3 weeks from Monday. Should I go in Monday before going on my week long trip and put in “3-weeks” since he might just walk me out and have time to cool off while i’m gone?? Or should I wait until I get back from my trip and put my 2-week notice in on the Monday I get back and see if he either walks me out or makes that two weeks the worst two weeks of my life??

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