
It’s very common to not have enough staff for me to use the restroom

I work a very very busy retail job. We lost a lot of people and they haven't re hired or replaced them, so we're all just overworked. It's very common to have a line of 100+ people and only 2-3 cashiers working at a time to move through the line. So for example if I really urgently have to pee and have been taking customers for the last two hours but it's only me and one other person, I feel like I can't take a pee break. And the managers will get pissed if we leave only one register for a full line but it's not our fault they staff like this. It's gotten to a point where I dehydrate myself at work on purpose so I don't have to pee, but that obviously isn't healthy. The company is very unfriendly towards any accommodations (most disabled employees or the like…

I work a very very busy retail job. We lost a lot of people and they haven't re hired or replaced them, so we're all just overworked. It's very common to have a line of 100+ people and only 2-3 cashiers working at a time to move through the line.

So for example if I really urgently have to pee and have been taking customers for the last two hours but it's only me and one other person, I feel like I can't take a pee break. And the managers will get pissed if we leave only one register for a full line but it's not our fault they staff like this.

It's gotten to a point where I dehydrate myself at work on purpose so I don't have to pee, but that obviously isn't healthy. The company is very unfriendly towards any accommodations (most disabled employees or the like just end up quitting.) and doesn't accept doctors notes for anything. The only thing I can think though to cover my ass is having some kind of medical documentation on file saying I need to be able to use the restroom when I please.

I DON'T have any specific medical condition related to restroom usage though, I just want them to not be able to fuck with me for using the bathroom. I shouldn't be expected to hold it for hours or dehydrate myself just so I don't ever have to step off the register for even a minute. I feel like telling this situation to a doctor though they might write me up something, I don't know.

I just know this gives me somewhat more protection if they try to get me in trouble, but they might just ignore it and throw it out anyway like they usually do with medical notes.

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