
I got fired because I dare let a parent’s death affect my performance.

Started a new job in June. In August my dad died. I buried him and came back to work because there were deadlines upon deadlines. My mom became unstable. And my extended family began harassing me (I was raised in an abusive cult). In September my MiL was paralysed. She is now living in a geriatric home waiting to die. In October a close friend died of a heart attack. It broke me. I couldn’t function normally at work and I couldn’t take a break either. Then my manager began picking on me for missing deadlines and “looking sad at the office”. I tried explaining I’m still struggling with my grief and was told, “you weren’t even close with your family why do you care”, “it’s been 3 weeks already get over it”, and “I have a mentally ill child at home already I don’t need to deal with your…

Started a new job in June. In August my dad died. I buried him and came back to work because there were deadlines upon deadlines.

My mom became unstable. And my extended family began harassing me (I was raised in an abusive cult).

In September my MiL was paralysed. She is now living in a geriatric home waiting to die.

In October a close friend died of a heart attack. It broke me. I couldn’t function normally at work and I couldn’t take a break either.

Then my manager began picking on me for missing deadlines and “looking sad at the office”. I tried explaining I’m still struggling with my grief and was told, “you weren’t even close with your family why do you care”, “it’s been 3 weeks already get over it”, and “I have a mentally ill child at home already I don’t need to deal with your problems too”.

And then one day I was working late. My manager called me to a meeting with HR and fired me unceremoniously and with no reason given.

I know we are all just cogs in the machine. But they really expected me to be a cog with no feelings and can just function regardless of my personal life.

At least I get my break. I really need it. I’ll have to take care of myself first. Then I’ll probably find something better because nothing can be worse than being treated like this.

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