
The flash of panic in his eyes was beautiful to behold.

I've been working for this company (a not-for-profit) since 2007. I've dragged them from the typewriter age to the 21st century, there is literally nothing and no department in this place that I don't “touch” on a regular basis, I write the grants making them $$$, can cover any position and answer any question about our field. YET, since this director started in '19 I've consistently gotten the lowest bonus amount (he personally decides the amounts) and only a COL raise (under the previous director I never got less than 8% + COL). His reasoning? I have a disabled adult son that I have had to take intermittent FMLA/sick days to care for, so I don't “work as much” as other people. I still work when at home, but that doesn't count. Anyway, I was recently approached by our major software vendor about a job. Not even a job really,…

I've been working for this company (a not-for-profit) since 2007. I've dragged them from the typewriter age to the 21st century, there is literally nothing and no department in this place that I don't “touch” on a regular basis, I write the grants making them $$$, can cover any position and answer any question about our field.

YET, since this director started in '19 I've consistently gotten the lowest bonus amount (he personally decides the amounts) and only a COL raise (under the previous director I never got less than 8% + COL). His reasoning? I have a disabled adult son that I have had to take intermittent FMLA/sick days to care for, so I don't “work as much” as other people. I still work when at home, but that doesn't count.

Anyway, I was recently approached by our major software vendor about a job. Not even a job really, a Career (big girl, capital C). At this point, my son is about to enter a group home and my schedule is going to become a lot more flexible. I was caught totally off-guard by the offer, so I agreed to do some contract work for them as a 1099 and we could see if it was a good fit.

I walked into director's office yesterday and said “hey, I've been approached by xyz company (I needed to let him know, as it's something that might be brought up during meetings with said vendor) to do some contract work for them, this doesn't conflict or compete with our work here so I'll be taking the offer.” As I cheerfully explained what I would be doing on my own time – creating training materials, holding web training sessions, visiting potential software clients to evaluate their needs, running a software user's help group and annual conference, a look rolled across his face that I've never seen before – panic, pure fucking panic. His only words were “Just contract?” Me “oh sure, it's only in my free time, I won't need to take vacation days until April, for the conference”. He was ghost white by then, so I just changed the subject to the grant I was writing and the possible funding amounts. Rub a lil' salt in the wound. Then I went on my merry way, telling him to enjoy his weekend, as if I hadn't just watched him internally freak out.

I honestly like my current job, love my coworkers, even like the flexibility that I'm being penalized for, and I wouldn't even have considered a change if it wasn't raise & bonus time and I'm reminded yet again that I'm not as valued because of his biases, regardless of my contributions. I guess it was just nice to remind him that he's not the only game in town, that I can take my ball and go if I he doesn't give me enough playtime.

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