
Advice to those who don’t want to get stuck at a job, especially one that you hate.

This is going to be mainly towards the younger crowd because you will have more time to do this but the number one way to not get stuck at jobs is debt management. Keep your debt extremely low or at zero. You have more money to work with to save and you have less financial obligations. Cars and homes are usually people's biggest expenses, live below your means, especially after getting that fancy new job because the red carpet can be ripped under you at any moment. I have family that financed a new car and then was suddenly fired from their job months later and now they're still on the hook for the payments. Do not finance your dream car. Buy your car in cash after you've saved money, for some of us that may have to start off being an older beater car. When you buy a house,…

This is going to be mainly towards the younger crowd because you will have more time to do this but the number one way to not get stuck at jobs is debt management. Keep your debt extremely low or at zero. You have more money to work with to save and you have less financial obligations. Cars and homes are usually people's biggest expenses, live below your means, especially after getting that fancy new job because the red carpet can be ripped under you at any moment. I have family that financed a new car and then was suddenly fired from their job months later and now they're still on the hook for the payments. Do not finance your dream car. Buy your car in cash after you've saved money, for some of us that may have to start off being an older beater car. When you buy a house, cash would be good if you have it, which most of us can't do that..don't finance a house that's below your means, don't go for the biggest nicest house. If you're more economical about your decisions you can better avoid being stuck at a job you hate because you have financial fluidity when a storm comes. There is no IF it rains, it's WHEN it rains.

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