
After 10.5 years I’m finally quitting

After 10.5 long years of working for one of the major telecom companies in the USA I'm finally bailing. The pay is ok, $22.xx/hr in Louisiana, but I have to sacrifice so much of my mental health for this place that I can't take it anymore. I can't deal with management who will lie to your face. I can't deal with the constant backpedaling done on decisions just because a couple people “escalate” over a decision that is in policy that should've been enforced years ago. I can't stand having my image, my work ethic, my capabilities, completely ripped apart and made to look like a fool so that “leadership” can come in and say they “took care of the problem” and they're “going to make us revert back”. I can't stand being made a fool of by leadership and make it sound like I didn't hear anything right. Yes,…

After 10.5 long years of working for one of the major telecom companies in the USA I'm finally bailing. The pay is ok, $22.xx/hr in Louisiana, but I have to sacrifice so much of my mental health for this place that I can't take it anymore. I can't deal with management who will lie to your face. I can't deal with the constant backpedaling done on decisions just because a couple people “escalate” over a decision that is in policy that should've been enforced years ago. I can't stand having my image, my work ethic, my capabilities, completely ripped apart and made to look like a fool so that “leadership” can come in and say they “took care of the problem” and they're “going to make us revert back”. I can't stand being made a fool of by leadership and make it sound like I didn't hear anything right.

Yes, I know a lot of lower end jobs suck, but you're supposed to be able to trust your leadership that they have your back in decisions that are made. That they're going to stick by what they tell you and will keep their word. Trust that they will not renig on their promises. But at the end of the day, they do what they do to make themselves look better for their leadership, not realizing the impact they're having on their team. I know it was naive to believe that this leadership was anything different. I was hoping that it would be. Unfortunately it's not.

The new job I have lined up, all I can say is I hope I have better luck. I hope I can make it there and be able to make enough to make ends meet. Going from one stressor to another is going to be difficult. I hope I don't end up failing.

Sorry for the rant.

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