
Supervisor Issues – story time

So I had this supervisor who I felt like always found a way to constantly add more work to my plate and yelled at me when I didn't finish it fast enough for her liking. I hated going into work because she was always finding something I “did wrong”. But she made my decision to quit easy eventually. I ended up getting into an accident on my way home from work one day (it's a 45 min drive home). I was going well under the speed limit due to poor winter driving conditions but even being careful my car lost control and I went into a ditch. Best part is I was in the middle of no where, wearing a dress and heels, and had a dead phone. I hiked up the ditch and to the nearest house but had no luck. Thankfully after 30 minutes a car at an…

So I had this supervisor who I felt like always found a way to constantly add more work to my plate and yelled at me when I didn't finish it fast enough for her liking. I hated going into work because she was always finding something I “did wrong”. But she made my decision to quit easy eventually.
I ended up getting into an accident on my way home from work one day (it's a 45 min drive home). I was going well under the speed limit due to poor winter driving conditions but even being careful my car lost control and I went into a ditch. Best part is I was in the middle of no where, wearing a dress and heels, and had a dead phone. I hiked up the ditch and to the nearest house but had no luck. Thankfully after 30 minutes a car at an intersection a few miles away saw my car in the ditch and called it in.
Anyways… when I eventually got home my adrenaline wore off and I was starting to feel pain so I ended up going into the ER and called into work the next day already. Due to the doctors diagnosis I was on some heavy meds and couldn't work for a few days.
My first day back to work and my supervisor told me I had to be our note taker at a meeting. But I was in a sling (my dominant arm) and got mad at me for not being able to take notes. She then doubted my accident so the next day I had to get a signed doctor's note or be written up. The next day I showed up with a signed note but she was still skeptical. So she called my mother (who I said drove me to the ER) and was grilling her about my accident. But guess what, she was still skeptical… so she called the sheriff's department to get an accident report. Only then did she believe me.
But at after all of that happened I was just so frustrated. I went to my boss, who was already aware of the situation because she was in the room during the phone call to my mom and the sheriff's, and put in my notice. But two weeks was too long apparently because my supervisor demanded that I be done the following day.

So yea, there's my fun story. Anyone else have that bad of issues with an immediate supervisor?

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