
Docked pay – wage theft? Advice needed

I am working a second job as a security officer for, say, $18/hour. I know they round time to the hour bc every paycheck is a nice, round number. That is not the issue currently. I went beyond shift time by 30 minutes due to an incident (that was documented). I checked my pay slip because I assumed these people would try and short change me; as predicted, the .5 hour was not included. I messaged my supervisor, who said he would fix it. I checked my latest pay slip and I have an additional 0.5 hours at $7.25/hour for last week. I texted him asking for clarification and he hasn’t responded yet. I assume he’ll try to pull some bullshit excuse. I just need advice / reassurance that if they are trying to pay me minimum wage for performing job responsibilities post-scheduled shift that this would be a form…

I am working a second job as a security officer for, say, $18/hour. I know they round time to the hour bc every paycheck is a nice, round number. That is not the issue currently.

I went beyond shift time by 30 minutes due to an incident (that was documented). I checked my pay slip because I assumed these people would try and short change me; as predicted, the .5 hour was not included.

I messaged my supervisor, who said he would fix it. I checked my latest pay slip and I have an additional 0.5 hours at $7.25/hour for last week. I texted him asking for clarification and he hasn’t responded yet. I assume he’ll try to pull some bullshit excuse.

I just need advice / reassurance that if they are trying to pay me minimum wage for performing job responsibilities post-scheduled shift that this would be a form of wage theft.

Thanks in advance.

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