
Should I be getting paid to be on standby?

I'm currently working a casual role, paid hourly (contract says working hours are 9 – 5, but of course thats just general). However, there are multiple days where I am not given a task, or any instructions on what to do next after I have finished the previous task. I open my laptop at 9am every morning, and just sit around waiting for my supervisors to give me something to do. I cant even bring myself to leave the house for an hour during “lunch” time, incase my supervisors want to have an impromptu meeting during that time (which has actually happened, luckily I was still at home). I have also gone to the office, as it helps me focus more, but was not given any work that day until they called for a meeting at 2pm. So I wasted petrol and time driving there during peak hours, to just…

I'm currently working a casual role, paid hourly (contract says working hours are 9 – 5, but of course thats just general). However, there are multiple days where I am not given a task, or any instructions on what to do next after I have finished the previous task. I open my laptop at 9am every morning, and just sit around waiting for my supervisors to give me something to do. I cant even bring myself to leave the house for an hour during “lunch” time, incase my supervisors want to have an impromptu meeting during that time (which has actually happened, luckily I was still at home). I have also gone to the office, as it helps me focus more, but was not given any work that day until they called for a meeting at 2pm. So I wasted petrol and time driving there during peak hours, to just sit around and stare at the same excel sheet I had completed the day before. The reason why I'm slightly peeved about this is because I was told they needed me urgently and that I would essentially be working “full time” for a project they are rushing. But so far, work has been given very slowly, with hardly any proper instructions and a tight deadline. It feels like I should be paid to be sitting here on “standby” even though I'm not doing any work and just staring and sometimes rechecking my previous work, waiting for my supervisors to even acknowledge the emails that the work has been completed. Should I just go on living my life lol. And should I add in the hours I sit on standby into my timesheet lmao

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