
I dread doing this

I hate this job. I hate this company I hate these people. I have literally anxiety before I get into work and after I get out. It actually turns my stomach thinking about all the things I’m gonna have to keep track of and probably fuck up. I hate putting on a pretend face and pretending I care and that I’m a good employee. I hate them tacking on more and more to my job every day. I want to get fired but in order to do that I have to be shitty at my job and the lady I work with is scary when I mess up. She’s mean and judgmental. She’s got some sort of power trip. I’m terrified of confrontation so I just put my head down and work all day. No breaks except lunch and sometimes at my desk so it’s not like I get to…

I hate this job. I hate this company I hate these people. I have literally anxiety before I get into work and after I get out. It actually turns my stomach thinking about all the things I’m gonna have to keep track of and probably fuck up. I hate putting on a pretend face and pretending I care and that I’m a good employee. I hate them tacking on more and more to my job every day.

I want to get fired but in order to do that I have to be shitty at my job and the lady I work with is scary when I mess up. She’s mean and judgmental. She’s got some sort of power trip. I’m terrified of confrontation so I just put my head down and work all day. No breaks except lunch and sometimes at my desk so it’s not like I get to leave the space making me uncomfortable. How does somebody just stop doing their job without feeling like everyone’s judging you? How tf do I put myself in that mentality? I hate it here. I have a job interview Tuesday and I’m praying I get it. But I seriously don’t want to work for this place anymore.

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