
6 days a week but still under 40 hours

I have been a prep cook at the company with the big red lobster (if you know you know) for about 3 months now. I can 100% say i hate my job and would rather be doing 50 million other positions than my current one. I spoke to my manager when i first started because my hours were based on when the prep list was done; which means on any given day i work 9-4, 9-3, sometimes we'd even get done at 1 or earlier. I'd come in expecting to do 7+ hours and leave with less than 5 under my belt. I've talked to him about my schedule twice now. The first time, manager started scheduling me for other positions and i got more hours, too much in fact. I was working severeal split shifts a week. Then they decreased again for whatever reason so i spoke to him…

I have been a prep cook at the company with the big red lobster (if you know you know) for about 3 months now.
I can 100% say i hate my job and would rather be doing 50 million other positions than my current one.
I spoke to my manager when i first started because my hours were based on when the prep list was done; which means on any given day i work 9-4, 9-3, sometimes we'd even get done at 1 or earlier. I'd come in expecting to do 7+ hours and leave with less than 5 under my belt.
I've talked to him about my schedule twice now. The first time, manager started scheduling me for other positions and i got more hours, too much in fact. I was working severeal split shifts a week. Then they decreased again for whatever reason so i spoke to him again. This time i told him i was content with 35 hours, just please keep me at least that. Apparently he thought that meant “make you work 6 days a week but still not hit 40”. I got sick the last week i was scheduled to work 6 days.
The worst part is I've become the person that does everything at my job! Need to grab something but don't want to get it? Have me get it! Don't have a baker for the night? I can do baking AND my normal job.
So I'm not only doing 6 days a week, I'm working 6 shifts of being asked to do way too much because it's been expected of me by now.
I'm so tired of this job. I'm registered for classes to get my EMT in the spring but my background check might get in the way. I've got a back up plan just in case because come 7 months from now, i want to have my sh*t sorta together and leave food service for good.
I'd get another job but i really want this to be my last one before i transfer out of the industry so I don't have to restart at another job, plus if i end up having surgery next year, it'll be easier to get time off because I've already informed them I'll be having surgery eventually.

TMOTS: I guess this is just a rant? I feel taken advantage of. I'm working 6 days but my paychecks aren't reflecting that.

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