
Misguided unemployment.

I had eleven years with a company and was making a great wage, then got laid off. Then I was making a fair wage at a job I loved, then got laid off. I’ve been unemployed since last December. I got a few job offers, then a few jobs that just didn’t work out. I just took the plunge and applied and subsequently got a job offer with the postal service. I’ll be making 59% what I was making at that career job. The benefits might not even be as good as many of the private sector jobs I’ve applied for. But I wasn’t applying for jobs in that pay range. I was looking to move up. Make more money. Now I’m conflicted: do I find a job that pays commensurate with the post office but in a field I’m more interested in or do I submit to a life…

I had eleven years with a company and was making a great wage, then got laid off. Then I was making a fair wage at a job I loved, then got laid off. I’ve been unemployed since last December. I got a few job offers, then a few jobs that just didn’t work out. I just took the plunge and applied and subsequently got a job offer with the postal service. I’ll be making 59% what I was making at that career job. The benefits might not even be as good as many of the private sector jobs I’ve applied for. But I wasn’t applying for jobs in that pay range. I was looking to move up. Make more money.

Now I’m conflicted: do I find a job that pays commensurate with the post office but in a field I’m more interested in or do I submit to a life as a letter carrier knowing that it’ll suck but I’m doing a civic duty.

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